10 Street Name, City Name
Country, Zip Code
Westwood college costs an average of $5,000 to $6,000 to attend for one semester (16 points) and $15,200 per academic year. Costs may vary based on your academic program and the number of credit hours you take. Westwood college's cost is comprehensive and includes room and board as well as books and supplies. However, it does not include personal expenses and transportation fees. Parents are required to pay the full semester fees by the first day of each semester and to provide proof of payment. A discount of 5% will be given where other family members currently attend the College. Fees are reviewed annually by the Board.
Westwood College scholarship program provides opportunities for talented students from different backgrounds. We offer music, sport, art and drama scholarships that are worth up to 10% of the fees. The scholarship program is open to talented students from any school that meet the normal academic requirements of Westwood College. Scholarships are awarded for demonstrating outstanding ability or talent as tested at audition by the Director of scholarships. All scholarships are reviewed annually and their continuance is dependent upon satisfactory conduct, attitude, participation and progress.
10 Street Name,
City Name Country, Zip Code
Sigtúni 42, 105 Reykjavík
Sími: 562-5605
Netfang: diabetes@diabetes.is
Styrktarreikningur: 0303-26-033354,
kennitala: 681174-0609
Skrifstofa félagsins er opin þriðjudaga og fimmtudaga frá klukkan 10 til 12.